Sign up for lessons online! Fill out the form below and we'll start the registration process! Call or email us for information on summer lessons.
  • After school group lessons range from $125-$300 per month depg the number of lessons per week.
  • After school lessons start in August and end in May. Apply at any time during the year. day notice of cancellation is required.  

All riders will need a registration form and signed waiver on file before being allowed to attend lessons. 

Click here to download the forms.

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Child's Name:

Parent's Name:

Home Phone:

Work Phone:

Cell Phone:




Riding Ability:

Van Pickup Schedule for after school lessons.*  (select one):
LTMS/Target (290 & Loop 1) - Tue, Thur

*Please indicate desired pickup location and which day(s) in the comment box below.
Van pickup is not available for summer lessons. Wimberley ISD buses drop off at our door, ask your school for bus numbers.

Lesson Plan selected:
1 lesson per week ($125 monthly)
2 lessons per week ($ 220 monthly)
3 or more lessons per week ($300 monthly)
I am interested in summer lessons. See the days I   have indicated below in the comment box.
I am interested in boarding my horse with HCF
I am interested in buying/leasing a horse from HCF

Please indicate the day(s) you are interested in attending lessons and the details of your van pickup request:

Comments or Questions:

If paying via Pay Pal, you may fax your waiver and medical release to (928) 395-7562.  We must receive these forms with your payment to reserve your spot.